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Blood Sugar Reducing Herbal Tea

Efficiency of the tea is visible already in a couple of days: blood sugar (glucose) level is stabilized. Crucial is the fact, that blood sugar reducing ta helps normalizing carbohydrate metabolism in the body.


Broncholytic Herbal Tea

100% plant basis provides for expectorative, mucolytic, spasmolytic effects, reduce mucosal puffiness, relives dry and productive cough.


Calming Herbal Tea

Constant stress holds great danger. It devastates and exhausts a person completely. It can also be a reason for physiological and psychological diseases. It is valid argument why one should fight with stress.


Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea relieves intestinal spasm, reduces bile secretion, edemas, stimulates tissue regeneration and healing in case of gastric ulcer.


Goji Berry Tea

These berries will act as an anti-stress product and will help normalizing sleep. Regular intake shall help cleaning body from wastes, strengthening cardiovascular system and normalizing blood pressure. And, of course, You will lose weight and will be able to control Your appetite when keeping a diet.


Herbal Tea Normal Pressure

Herbal Tea „Normal Pressure“ helps normalizing pressure, improves cardiovascular system functioning.


Herbal Tea Senna Leaf

It promotes evacuation of toxins and wastes from the body, normalizes liver and gallbladder function. In low doses, it improves digestion.


Herbal Tea for Kidneys

It has disinfecting and diuretic effects, normalizes mineral, fluid and electrolyte balance in case of inflammatory renal and biliary diseases, provides for antibacterial effect.


Herbal Tea for Slimming

Herbal tea reduces the risk of diseases, caused by intestinal dysfunction, eliminates wastes effectively, raises vital tonus and boosts immunity, promotes weight reduction.


Herbal Tea for Stomach and Intestine

The tea provides conditioning effect, improves digestion and metabolic processes, promotes improvement of the functional state of digestive organs.


Herbal Tea for Thorax

Biologically active substances, contained in the tea, have expectorative, anti-inflammatory, coating effect, relieve cough, intensify functional activity of the epithelium in the respiratory ways, promote sputum thinning and discharge.


Herbal Tea for Weight Reduction Pineapple

Herbal tea is great for those, who control their weight. The tea contains natural pineapple, which has expressed fat burning property. Bromelain, contained in pineapple, normalizes decomposition and digestion of proteins, what in its turn leads to improvement of digestion, acceleration of metabolic processes.


Laxative Herbal Tea

Herbal tea normalizes metabolism, improves digestive processes, eliminates toxins from the body.


Linden Tea

Linden Tea by Farmakom can be used as diaphoretic and antipruritic remedy for catarrhal diseases. The tea improves gastrointestinal tract function, and can be used as a choleretic product in case of gastric juice hyperacidity, for light forms of indigestion and metabolic disorders.


Melissa Herbal Tea

Tea with Melissa is recommended for neuroses, depression, insomnia and irritability. Such a drink raises body tonus, strengthens the heart, improves digestion. Tea with Melissa is also of use in case of light cold, relieves muscular spasms, has relaxing effect.


Milk Thistle Herbal Tea

This herbal tea stimulates bile formation and bile secretion, has positive effect during therapy of hepatitises, cirrhosis and other hepatic diseases, helps relieving intoxication.


Milk Thistle Plus Herbal Tea (for Liver)

It helps improving liver and bile ducts function, improves digestive processes. It has anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, choleretic effect.


Phytobath for Children Beggar-ticks

Skin of a newborn is very sensitive and soft, it is prone to irritations, diaper rash, rash caused by diathetis. This is why it requires special care, which lies in using prevention remedies, made of medicinal herbs, in the first days of life.


Phytobath for Children Calming

Skin of a newborn is very sensitive and soft, it is prone to irritations, diaper rash, rash caused by diathetis. This is why it requires special care, which lies in using prevention remedies, made of medicinal herbs, in the first days of life.


Phytobath for Children Chamomile

Skin of a newborn is very sensitive and soft, it is prone to irritations, diaper rash, rash caused by diathetis. This is why it requires special care, which lies in using prevention remedies, made of medicinal herbs, in the first days of life.


Phytobath for Children Sage

Skin of a newborn is very sensitive and soft, it is prone to irritations, diaper rash, rash caused by diathetis. This is why it requires special care, which lies in using prevention remedies, made of medicinal herbs, in the first days of life.


Sage Tea

The tea reduces inflammation of the mucosa, stimulates active digestion, reduces gas formation and flatus.


Thyme Tea

The tea eases symptoms in case of cold, boosts immunity, improves digestion, cleans bowels from wastes and toxins, has positive effect on the nervous system, relieves general fatigue, mental and physical strain.
