As an additional source of vitamin С and zinc. It helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, increase immunity, against vascular disorders, improve the functioning of the visual organ, the condition of the skin, hair and nails, has antioxidant properties.
Bilberry Extract shall become a great aid for those, who want to preserve and improve acuity of their vision, to correct its initial deterioration; it shall also be of assistance for those, whose work requires eyestrain and scrutiny.
Bilberry shall become a great aid for those, who want to preserve and improve acuity of their vision, to correct its initial deterioration; it shall also be of assistance for those, whose work requires eyestrain and scrutiny.
For the prevention of B-hypovitaminosis; elimination of disorders of protein, carbohydrate metabolism with unbalanced and malnutrition; providing a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails; elimination of acne, furunculosis.
It is an additional source of flavonoids. It promotes normalization of cerebral and coronary circulation, improvement of memory and attention, improvement of mental output.
Ginkgo Biloba-F by Farmakom is recommended for memory and cerebral circulation improvement. This dietary supplement has positive effect in case of attention and memory disturbances, disturbances of mental capacity, dizziness, tinnitus, disturbances of sleep, malaise, for meteoropathy.
Vitamin complex for sight, containing those wholesome substances, which lack in diet of most of us. Vitamin complex may be used both to intensify the effect of medicines and to mitigate their side effects, as well as for timely prevention and treatment of initial stages of the diseases.
The phytosyrup improves function of the visual apparatus, helps reducing eye fatigue.
The phytosyrup improves function of the visual apparatus, helps reducing eye fatigue.
Bilberry provides for improvement of blood supply to the retina, thus accelerating retinal tissue regeneration, improvement of mesopic vision, extending field of vision and reducing eye fatigue.
An additional source of vitamins and minerals. Normalizes the immune, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and hormonal systems. Helps absorb micro- and macronutrients. Strengthens the body and normalizes the psycho-emotional state, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Normalizes the quality of sleep.
As an additional source of vitamin D and zinc. It helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, increase immunity, against vascular disorders, improve the functioning of the visual organ, the condition of the skin, hair and nails, has antioxidant properties.
It is necessary for normal development and functioning of the reproductive, endocrine and digestive systems, the brain, organs of vision and the musculoskeletal apparatus, as well as for normal state of the skin, hair and nails.
Manufacturing and Trading Company Farmakom Ltd. 2023