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A combined drug containing a plant-derived component indole-3-carbinol, which has an antiproliferative effect, normalizes the balance of estrogen and prevents the development of estrogen-dependent diseases. Indole-3-carbinol induces processes of apoptosis (programmed death) of transformed cells, including diseases associated with the human papillomavirus. It has a selective effect on cells with a high proliferative signal.

Indol-F is recommended for use:
– for diseases of the reproductive system, which are based on the processes of pathological cell proliferation;
– in order to normalize estrogen metabolism in estrogen-dependent diseases:
endometrial hyperplasia, uterine leiomyoma, uterine fibroids in combination with endometrial hyperplastic processes, endometriosis (including adenomyosis, endometrioid ovarian cysts);
– for diseases associated with HPV (cervical dysplasia, anogenital condylomas);
– in order to normalize estrogen metabolism during hormonal changes (puberty, perimenopause, etc.). Can be used for the prevention and correction of estrogen-dependent conditions from 12 years of age.


Mixture of cruciferous vegetables – 59.5% (238.0 mg), indole-3-carbinol – 22.5% (90.0 mg), antioxidant ascorbic acid – 12.5% (50.0 mg), calcium stearate – 3.0%, broccoli extract – 2.5% (10.0 mg).


Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) normalizes estrogen metabolism and prevents the development of estrogen-dependent diseases. Effective for disorders associated with hyperplasia in mammology, gynecology and andrology. Has a powerful antiviral effect.
I3S inhibits the synthesis of the proliferative metabolite 16α-ONE1, which, firmly binding to estrogen-dependent receptors, causes uncontrolled proliferative processes, being a carcinogen in relation to the reproductive organs.
I3S has a highly active antiproliferative effect, inhibits inflammation, growth and proliferation of transformed cells, neutralizes the action of growth factors that stimulate tumor development in hormone-dependent organs of the reproductive system; inhibits the effect of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
I3C prevents the synthesis of E7 protein in epithelial cells infected with human papillomavirus, including types 16 and 18, inhibiting the processes of malignancy. I3C activates the expression of antitumor defense genes BRCA. Has high antioxidant properties.

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1-2 capsules 2 times a day with meals, wash down with water. The course of admission is from 3 to 6 months. If necessary, the course can be repeated. The dose adjustment and duration of administration is determined by the doctor. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Before use, consultation with a doctor is recommended.
Age up to 12 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual sensitivity to components. It is not recommended to take foods that reduce stomach acid at the same time.


Age up to 12 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual sensitivity to components. It is not recommended to take foods that reduce stomach acid at the same time.


89 kcal


Proteins – 1.8 g, carbohydrates – 0,68 g, fats – 0,2 g.


400 mg capsules.


24 months


Experience of using the dietary supplement Indole-F® in women with the presence of human papillomavirus of high carcinogenic risk in the epithelium of the cervix – M.V. Medvedev, Yu.V. Donskaya, Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy, Dnepr // WOMEN’S HEALTH, No. 8 (134) / 2018, pp. 1-5

Modern approaches to the treatment of endometrioid ovarian cysts – O. S. Shapoval, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, State Institution “Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” // Medical aspects of women’s health No. 8 (105) ‘2016, pp. 2-8

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the drug Indol-F in patients of reproductive age with breast dysplasia – S. A. Lasachko, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, UNIPO, Donetsk National Medical University named after Maxim Gorky, Head of the Department of Diagnostics and Treatment of Breast Diseases, Donetsk Regional Center for Maternal and Child Health // Medical Aspects of Women’s Health, No. 7 (104) 2016, pp. 2-8

Smoking and reproductive health disorders are the main risk factors for MRD in women of reproductive age – S. A. Lasachko, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Maxim Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, Head of the Department of Diagnostics and Treatment of Breast Diseases of the Donetsk Regional Center for Maternal and Child Health // Medical Aspects of Women’s Health No. 2 (98) ‘2016, pp. 2-9

Clinical and hormonal characteristics and therapy of girls with endometrial hyperplasia against the background of anemia – Prof. I. A. TUCHKINA, Zh. O. GILENKO, Ph.D. N. N. V. KALASHNIK, Ph.D. L. L. A. VYGOVSKAYA, Kharkiv National Medical University // INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2014, No. 3, pp. 87-91

Modern aspects of complex therapy of recurrent papillomavirus infection – I.A. Yu. Kuzmina1, O.I. Kalinovskaya1, O.A. Kuzmina1, V.A. Fedorchenko2, 1 – Kharkiv National Medical University, 2 – State Health Institution “Kharkiv Regional Clinical Perinatal Center”// International Medical Journal, 2014, No. 1, pp. 51-56

Non-hormonal therapy of proliferative processes of the mammary gland and endometrium – N.M. Voloshina, S.M. Pashchenko, N.F. Shchurov, Zh.M. Makarova, A.P. Pauk, Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education // WOMEN’S HEALTH No. 1 (77) / 2012

Non-hormonal pathogenetically based therapy of uterine fibroids – V. M. Astakhov, Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky // WOMEN’S HEALTH №3 (59)/2011