
Artichoke may be recommended in case of Biliary dyskinesia; Chronic cholecystitis; Chronic hepatitis; Chronic intoxications; Renal failure.


Artichoke Coated Tablets

Coated Tablets

Artichoke may be recommended in case of: Biliary dyskinesia; Chronic cholecystitis; Chronic hepatitis; Chronic intoxications; Renal failure.


Brewer’s Yeast with Milk Thistle

For the prevention of B-hypovitaminosis; elimination of disorders of protein, carbohydrate metabolism with unbalanced and malnutrition; providing a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails; elimination of acne, furunculosis.



It can be recommended in case of liver dysfunction, as an additional source of biologically active substances of plant origin.



Cholosas enhances liver function, improves bile secretion, increases cholates content in bile, reduces bile viscosity. Choleretic effect of the product is conditioned by flavonoids in its content. Dogrose extract, contained in Cholosas, has additional effect on other functions of the body – it normalizes and stimulates gastric glands secretion, intensifies enzymatic activity of the gastric juice, improves intestinal motility in case of its atony.


Edible Oil Milk thistle


Polyunsaturated fatty acids provide positive effect on the brain, improving mental activity; normalize lipid metabolism in the body, promote improvement of memory and other functions of the nervous system.


Edible Oil Olive


Polyunsaturated fatty acids provide positive effect on the brain, improving mental activity; normalize lipid metabolism in the body, promote improvement of memory and other functions of the nervous system.



Prevents hepatocytes (liver cells) disruption and promotes their regeneration; Improves bile secretion (choleretic effect); Promotes lipids decomposition and reduction of cholesterol level in blood; Neutralizes toxins in case of alcohol, food-borne and drug intoxications; It is recommended for auxiliary therapy in complex treatment of liver diseases of various etiologies.



Additional source of dietary fibres, amino acids, and vitamins. It promotes body conditioning, improvement of metabolic processes, elimination of toxins and wastes from the body, normalization of intestinal motor function.


Flaxseed fiber

Additional source of dietary fibres, amino acids, and vitamins. It promotes body conditioning, improvement of metabolic processes, elimination of toxins and wastes from the body, normalization of intestinal motor function.



Recommended In programs for weight loss, body detoxification; In case of heavy physical loads to improve endurance and efficiency during training for muscle gains; In case of fatty liver syndrome' In case of chronic fatigue syndrome; In case of cardiovascular diseases to improve myocardial functioning and to prevent atherosclerosis.


L-carnitine Forte

Can be used as an additional remedy in complex treatment of various liver, pancreas, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases; for sportsmen to boost endurance and effectiveness during exercises, as well as to build muscles more quickly; to improve attention concentration and memory; for vegetarians and vegans to make up levocarnitine (L-carnitine) deficiency.



Reduces cholesterol level, promotes prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Has positive effect on liver function and acts as hepatoprotective and detoxicative agent.


Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is recommended for: Bile ducts diseases (cholecystitis, cholangitis, dyskinesia, gallstone disease); Liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis) and pancreas diseases; Toxic liver damages (drugs, poisons, chemical substances, alcohol); Atherosclerosis; Varicose; Hemorrhoids; Disbacteriosis.


Milk Thistle Fiber

Milk thistle is recommended for: Bile ducts diseases (cholecystitis, cholangitis, dyskinesia, gallstone disease); Liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis) and pancreas diseases; Toxic liver damages (drugs, poisons, chemical substances, alcohol); Atherosclerosis; Varicose; Hemorrhoids; Disbacteriosis.


Milk Thistle Fruit

Milk thistle is recommended for: Bile ducts diseases (cholecystitis, cholangitis, dyskinesia, gallstone disease); Liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis) and pancreas diseases; Toxic liver damages (drugs, poisons, chemical substances, alcohol); Atherosclerosis; Varicose; Hemorrhoids; Disbacteriosis.


Milk Thistle Herbal Tea

This herbal tea stimulates bile formation and bile secretion, has positive effect during therapy of hepatitises, cirrhosis and other hepatic diseases, helps relieving intoxication.


Milk Thistle Meal

Milk thistle is recommended for: Bile ducts diseases (cholecystitis, cholangitis, dyskinesia, gallstone disease); Liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis) and pancreas diseases; Toxic liver damages (drugs, poisons, chemical substances, alcohol); Atherosclerosis; Varicose; Hemorrhoids; Disbacteriosis.


Milk Thistle Plus Herbal Tea (for Liver)

It helps improving liver and bile ducts function, improves digestive processes. It has anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, choleretic effect.


Milk thistle fiber

Additional source of dietary fibres, amino acids, and vitamins. It promotes body conditioning, improvement of metabolic processes, elimination of toxins and wastes from the body, normalization of intestinal motor function.


Nectar of Health Gel Form Cherry

An additional source of carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid and glycine. With systemic use, it improves physical endurance and recovery during intensive training. Normalizes energy processes, lipid metabolism, protein synthesis, functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Contributes to the improvement of the body's protective functions, psycho-emotional state and sleep.


Nectar of Health Gel Form Lemon

An additional source of carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid and glycine. With systemic use, it improves physical endurance and recovery during intensive training. Normalizes energy processes, lipid metabolism, protein synthesis, functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Contributes to the improvement of the body's protective functions, psycho-emotional state and sleep.


Oat bran

Additional source of dietary fibres, amino acids, and vitamins. It promotes body conditioning, improvement of metabolic processes, elimination of toxins and wastes from the body, normalization of intestinal motor function.


Oat fiber

Additional source of dietary fibres, amino acids, and vitamins. It promotes body conditioning, improvement of metabolic processes, elimination of toxins and wastes from the body, normalization of intestinal motor function.


Phytosyrope Artichoke

for the digestive tract

Is used for liver, diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, constipations, nausea, heavy feeling in the stomach.


Phytosyrope Choleretic

for the digestive tract

Is used for liver, diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, constipations, nausea, heavy feeling in the stomach.


Phytosyrope Cholosas-Farm

for the digestive tract

Is used for liver, diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, constipations, nausea, heavy feeling in the stomach.


Phytosyrope Sea-Buckthorn

for the digestive tract

Is used for liver, diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, constipations, nausea, heavy feeling in the stomach.


Phytosyrope for the Stomach

for the digestive tract

Is used for liver, diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, constipations, nausea, heavy feeling in the stomach.


Pumpkin seeds fiber

Additional source of dietary fibres, amino acids, and vitamins. It promotes body conditioning, improvement of metabolic processes, elimination of toxins and wastes from the body, normalization of intestinal motor function.


Pumpkin seeds meal

Additional source of dietary fibres, amino acids, and vitamins. It promotes body conditioning, improvement of metabolic processes, elimination of toxins and wastes from the body, normalization of intestinal motor function.


Rye bran

Additional source of dietary fibres, amino acids, and vitamins. It promotes body conditioning, improvement of metabolic processes, elimination of toxins and wastes from the body, normalization of intestinal motor function.



This dietary supplement can be an alternative for treatment of patients with NAFLD at the stage of HASH not only at the phase of activation of inflammatory process in liver tissues, but also at the phase of supportive therapy for prevention of progress of the disease.



This dietary supplement can be an alternative for treatment of patients with NAFLD at the stage of HASH not only at the phase of activation of inflammatory process in liver tissues, but also at the phase of supportive therapy for prevention of progress of the disease.


VMC with selenium

may be recommended in case of cardiovascular diseases; arthropathies, traumas, bones fractures; in case of gastrointestinal tract dysfunction, to improve liver functioning; in case of chronic weakness, overstrain; for immunity boosting; as an antioxidant.


Vitafortis Vitamin & Mineral Complex

An additional source of vitamins and minerals. Normalizes the immune, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and hormonal systems. Helps absorb micro- and macronutrients. Strengthens the body and normalizes the psycho-emotional state, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Normalizes the quality of sleep.


Wheat bran

Additional source of dietary fibres, amino acids, and vitamins. It promotes body conditioning, improvement of metabolic processes, elimination of toxins and wastes from the body, normalization of intestinal motor function.


Wheat germ fiber

Additional source of dietary fibres, amino acids, and vitamins. It promotes body conditioning, improvement of metabolic processes, elimination of toxins and wastes from the body, normalization of intestinal motor function.
