Artichoke may be recommended in case of: Biliary dyskinesia; Chronic cholecystitis; Chronic hepatitis; Chronic intoxications; Renal failure.
As an additional source of vitamin С and zinc. It helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, increase immunity, against vascular disorders, improve the functioning of the visual organ, the condition of the skin, hair and nails, has antioxidant properties.
Rutin in combination with ascorbin acid reduces capillary permeability and fragility, strengthens vascular wall, has anti-inflammatory effect and antioxidative properties.
Bilberry Extract shall become a great aid for those, who want to preserve and improve acuity of their vision, to correct its initial deterioration; it shall also be of assistance for those, whose work requires eyestrain and scrutiny.
Bilberry shall become a great aid for those, who want to preserve and improve acuity of their vision, to correct its initial deterioration; it shall also be of assistance for those, whose work requires eyestrain and scrutiny.
An additional source of biotin. It promotes normalization of central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract functioning, normalization of metabolic processes in the body, improvement of hair, skin and nails condition.
Additional source of dietary fibers. Helps improving secretory function of the intestine, evacuation toxins from the body, has detoxifying properties.
An additional source for calcium, promotes general health improvement.
An additional source for calcium, promotes general health improvement.
An additional source for calcium, promotes general health improvement.
Toxins, bad ecology weaken immune system, affect state of the body in general. Accumulation of wastes also leads to digestive problems, allergic reactions etc. Body purgation should be always started with the intestine. Laxative effect of castor oil helps eliminating wastes, constipation and to restore motor function of the intestine.
Citopan is a dietary supplement with positive effect on the immune system, blood pressure, physical performance. It has tonifying and strengthening properties.
Recommended to reduce signs and intensity of menopausal syndrome (irritability, asthenic states, rapid mood swings, sleep disturbance, night sweats), to prevent ageing and menopausal osteoporosis.
Strengthens immune system and has anti-inflammatory effect. This natural product accelerates healing of damaged throat mucosa: due to its expectorative effect it also helps discharging sputum from the bronchi.
Cough tablets relieve dry and productive cough, promote improvement of bronchopulmonary system functioning in case of seasonal catarrhal diseases. It has soft expectorative effect. Tablets contain licorice extract and baking soda, which help discharging sputum in case of productive cough; the product also has thinning effect, what is of great assistance in case of dry cough.
The need of folic acid and iodine is increased significantly during pregnancy and breastfeeding and cannot be compensated by healthy and varied diet alone.
Endofarm is a combination phytoformulation, providing multiple effect on the body in case of carbohydrate metabolism disorder: It is recommended for prevention of diabetes mellitus type 2; in combination therapy of diabetes mellitus type 2 as a supportive remedy in case of absence of stable normoglycemia.
A prophylactic dietary supplement in case of catarrhal diseases, as well as a remedy for reduction of the frequency and intensity of cough attacks in case of acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchial spasms of various ethology, smoker’s cough.
Fish oil is a source of essential fatty acids omega-3 and vitamins A, D, E. It is a great product for prevention of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids are important and essential for growth and development of children, regulate immunity – boost body defenses against infections and reduce risk of autoimmune diseases.
Fish oil is a precious nutritive product, a source of essential fatty acids omega-3 and vitamins A, D, E. It is a great product for prevention of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids are important and essential for growth and development of children. They regulate immunity – boost body defenses against infections and reduce risk of autoimmune diseases.
It is a precious food product, a source of wholesome Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, D, E and microelements (phosphor, bromine, iron, selenium, manganese, chorine, iodine, magnesium, calcium etc.).
Ginkgo Biloba-F by Farmakom is recommended for memory and cerebral circulation improvement. This dietary supplement has positive effect in case of attention and memory disturbances, disturbances of mental capacity, dizziness, tinnitus, disturbances of sleep, malaise, for meteoropathy.
An additional source of easily digested carbohydrates, promotes general health improvement in case of physical and mental loads.
For normal nervous system function and for prevention of undesired effects of numerous factors having negative psychological impact on children and adults.
It helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, increase endurance during physical and mental stress, improve psycho-emotional state and sleep. Has mild sedative properties.
For normal nervous system function and for prevention of undesired effects of numerous factors having negative psychological impact on children and adults.
Intake of hyaluronic acid is one of the methods in complex approach to solving problems, connected with age-related changes of skin, hair, joints, cardiovascular system, eyes.
Having antiproliferative effect on hormone-sensitive tissues, demonstrating anti-tumor effect, regulating estrogen profile and preventing estrogen-sensitive diseases. Indole-3-carbinol induces tumor cells apoptosis (programmed death) of transformed cells, including in case of HPV-associated diseases.
Indole-M is a combination preparation, containing a unique component of plant origin – indole-3-carbinol, having antiproliferative effect on hormone-sensitive tissues, demonstrating anti-tumor effect, regulating estrogen profile. It induces tumor cells apoptosis and is a natural antioxidant.
It is recommended as an additional source of iodine, for prevention of iodine deficiency states.
To support normal hemoglobin level; it corrects iron-deficiency states, reduces fatigue and increases working capacity. This dietary supplement is necessary for vegetarians and in diets with reduced intake of animal products.
Can be used as an additional remedy in complex treatment of various liver, pancreas, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases; for sportsmen to boost endurance and effectiveness during exercises, as well as to build muscles more quickly; to improve attention concentration and memory; for vegetarians and vegans to make up levocarnitine (L-carnitine) deficiency.
For health improvement and beneficial intestinal flora restoration.
Reduces cholesterol level, promotes prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Has positive effect on liver function and acts as hepatoprotective and detoxicative agent.
An additional source of alpha-lipoic acid and coenzyme Q10, helps improving carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, metabolic and energetic processes in the body
Vitamin complex for sight, containing those wholesome substances, which lack in diet of most of us. Vitamin complex may be used both to intensify the effect of medicines and to mitigate their side effects, as well as for timely prevention and treatment of initial stages of the diseases.
Dietary fiber purgate body, eliminate undigested mater, reduce signs of allergic reactions, improve intestinal function, improve metabolism, promote excess body weight loss.
In case of magnesium deficiency, increased psychoemotional loads, stresses, exhaustion, sleep disturbances.
Helps improving CNS and cardiovascular system functioning, boosting immunity, physical and mental efficiency, prevention of muscular strain and spasms. It has soft calming effect.
Mammodol shall help improving quality of life of women with fibrocystic disease of the breast, mastodynia, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual disorders.
It helps relieving nausea and prevents vomiting. It has soft calming and choleretic effects.
No Hangover Dietary Supplement by Farmakom can help recovering from hangover quickly. Succinic acid in its composition accelerates process of alcohol decomposition, more active evacuation of its metabolites, mitigation of signs of alcohol intoxication, reduction of withdrawal symptoms and improvement of general well-being, as well as promotes elimination of toxic substances from the body.
The drug promotes increasing myocardial tone, regulating heart rhythm, recovering normal cells functioning.
An additional source of cytidine-5-diphosphocholine, L-tyrosine and ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), which help normalize the functional state of the nervous system.
Reduces the risk of development and progress of cardiovascular diseases and strokes, high blood pressure. It has anti-inflammatory effect, relieves symptoms of arthritis, improves functions of the brain.
Helps improving heart, brain and joints function, keeping normal cholesterol level, it supports skin and hair beauty, rejuvenates and revitalizes body.
Pathenol has an effect on the scalp and on the hair throughout its length; it reduces hair fragility, splitting and hair loss.
It is recommended for normalization of metabolism, improvement of digestion, as well as in complex measures for weight management. It is a source of dietary fiber and vitamins A and C.
Sage-F helps recover voice, relieves soar throat, calms down exhausting throat irritation.
This dietary supplement can be an alternative for treatment of patients with NAFLD at the stage of HASH not only at the phase of activation of inflammatory process in liver tissues, but also at the phase of supportive therapy for prevention of progress of the disease.
This dietary supplement can be an alternative for treatment of patients with NAFLD at the stage of HASH not only at the phase of activation of inflammatory process in liver tissues, but also at the phase of supportive therapy for prevention of progress of the disease.
In case of chronic weakness, overstrain; for immunity boosting; as an antioxidant.
It is recommended for persons, controlling their body weight.
Soft Skin dietary supplement will help supporting skin health, removing wrinkles and acne on the face, increasing tonus of the skin, protecting body from premature ageing.
Beauty and strength of the hair depends not only on external care, but also on metabolic processes, occurring in our body, sufficient intake of nutrients. A balanced nutritive complex – Strong Hair – will help You solving this problem.
Constant stresses and fast pace of life lead to nervous exhaustion. A balanced dietary supplement Strong Nerves will help to cope with psycho-emotional loads, feel calm and confident.
In case of calcium deficiency in the body, You need Strong Teeth dietary supplement by Farmakom.
Helps preventing premature ageing, boosting immunity, improving skin and nail condition, joints functioning.
Thyreofarm is a combination phytoformulation for normalization of thyroid gland functioning. The dietary supplement provides for: Iodine deficiency replenishing; Normal thyroid gland functioning; Improving metabolic processes; Elimination of toxic manifestations; Immunity boosting; Improvement of overall health.
Helps normalizing functional state of the thyroid gland and maintaining thyroid hormone balance.
Helps preventing possible alimentary deficiency of myo-inositol, folic acid and vitamin D3. It can be recommended by a doctor to improve metabolic profile, fertility, normalize menstrual cycle and ovulation, for PCOS signs correction, as well as when You are planning to conceive or are pregnant.
Ultraslastin Sweetener does not affect the digestive process and the insulin level. In this respect is the sweetener ideal for persons with diabetes, as well as those with some dysmetabolic diseases, as well as persons with high risk of caries. Though the greatest benefit of the sweeteners receive those, who want to reduce their weight.
It is recommended in case of psychoemotional loads, insomnia, migraine, in composition of a combination therapy in case of light cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disorders. It has soft calming properties.
Nowadays many people are concerned with problem of varicose. Yet only a few are ready for a surgery. One of the solutions is prevention with help of the dietary supplement Vasisanguin PROTECT and Vasisanguin Gel.
A dietary supplement for potency boosting in men. It contributes to recovery of normal reaction to sexual excitement in case of various types of erectile dysfunction, including psycho-emotional one.
A dietary supplement for potency boosting in men. It contributes to recovery of normal reaction to sexual excitement in case of various types of erectile dysfunction, including psycho-emotional one.
A dietary supplement for potency boosting in men. It contributes to recovery of normal reaction to sexual excitement in case of various types of erectile dysfunction, including psycho-emotional one.
A dietary supplement for potency boosting in men. It contributes to recovery of normal reaction to sexual excitement in case of various types of erectile dysfunction, including psycho-emotional one.
Promotes overall strengthening, improvement of the state of bone and cartilaginous tissues, reduction of the risk of osteoporosis.
As an additional source of vitamin D and zinc. It helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, increase immunity, against vascular disorders, improve the functioning of the visual organ, the condition of the skin, hair and nails, has antioxidant properties.
It is necessary for normal development and functioning of the reproductive, endocrine and digestive systems, the brain, organs of vision and the musculoskeletal apparatus, as well as for normal state of the skin, hair and nails.