The liver is the largest dense organ and the largest gland in the human body. It controls most of the body’s vital functions and performs over 500 critical tasks with millions of chemical reactions.
The liver in our body is a round-the-clock laboratory that recognizes and utilizes harmful substances, synthesizes and deposits useful components. And all this is taken out and delivered to the organs like indefatigable couriers – the vascular system.
Diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system are closely related.
With age, some “couriers” begin to malfunction, losing the necessary luggage along the way, or even refusing to deliver.
It is quite easy to recognize signs of liver dysfunction and the progression of atherosclerosis. Vascular atherosclerosis develops not only due to excessive consumption of fats from food, but also due to impaired lipid metabolism in the liver. As a result, “bad” lipids accumulate, which accumulates in the vessel wall. Also, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques is affected by the violation of carbohydrate metabolism in liver cells. Why? Excess sugar frets the vessel wall from the inside. In the damaged area, cholesterol accumulates very quickly and an atherosclerotic plaque are being formed.
In addition, the lack of regular physical activity dramatically reduces the metabolic rate in the liver, since the muscles stop consuming glucose and fatty acids, the excess of which is deposited in the walls of blood vessels.
Cap it all, frequent stress leads to surges in blood pressure, which negatively affects the vessels and “wears out” them prematurely.
With atherosclerosis in the early stages, shortness of breath, palpitations after eating or inhaling cold air, pain in the heart, which, as a rule, occur during physical or psycho-emotional stress, which have not previously caused such symptoms, may disturb.
How to help? This question is often asked in the presence of overlapping metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases.
The choice of a family doctor is often not obvious. Many reports and dissertations are devoted to the issue.
Within the framework of the scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of managing a comorbid patient – an interdisciplinary approach”, which took place on September 30 – October 1, 2020 with online broadcast to all regions of Ukraine (organizer of the GO “Medical Strategies of Ukraine”) in the report of the head of the Department of Family Medicine FPO GU DMA MOZ UKRAINE, prof. Vysochina I.L. the effectiveness of treatment was clearly demonstrated depending on the forms and severity of atherosclerosis and liver dysfunction. Lifestyle modification towards correction of nutrition and physical activity plus therapy with Schisandrin®, 1-2 tablets three times a day after meals – under the influence of complex treatment, an improvement in the main indicators was observed: the disappearance or decrease in the severity of symptoms of hepatic dysfunction, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process in liver (a significant decrease in the activity of aminotransferases (ALT and AST) and the content of markers of cholestasis (GGTP, alkaline phosphatase), improvement of ultrasound characteristics and liver size by reducing fatty liver damage, lowering cholesterol levels and increasing exercise tolerance.
Schisandrin® has a positive effect on the course of liver and cardiovascular disease. The drug has a high safety and tolerability profile, while helping to solve the problem not only at the stage of activation of the inflammatory process of the liver, but also at the stage of maintenance therapy to prevent the progression of the disease.
Due to its multifaceted effects, as well as its high safety profile, Schisandrin® can be successfully used in the treatment of fatty liver disease against the background of metabolic syndrome and control of cardiovascular diseases.
Scientific and ptactical conference with international participation:
«the 7th Scientific Session of the Institute of Gastroenterology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
Novel Technologies in Theoretical and Clinical Gastroenterology»
On June 13-14, 2019 Farmakom took part in the 7th Scientific Session of the Institute of Gastroenterology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine „Novel Technologies in Theoretical and Clinical Gastroenterology“ (City of Dnipro).
Leading scientists of Ukraine, as well as world-renoved scientists – prof. Mato de la Paz Jos ė Maria, Director General of the CIC bioGUNE (Spain), Dr. Sc. Medicine, Prof. Iu. M. Stepanov, Director of the SE “Institute of Gastroenterology of the NAMS of Ukraine”, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Head of the PU “Association on Studying and Treatment of Digestive Organs Diseases in Ukraine”, Dr. Sc. Medicine, Prof., N. V. Kharchenko, Corresponding Member of the NAMS of Ukraine, Chairman of the Department of Gastroenterology, Dietology and Endoscopy of the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, and other opinion shapers took part in the conference.
During the conference prof. Olena Vadymivna Kolesnykova, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the SE “L. T. Mala National Institute of Therapy of the NAMS of Ukraine”, Kharkiv, presented a report on the topic “Mechanisms of Fibrogenesis in case of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: what do we know today?”. The report describes modern approaches to the mechanisms of liver fibrosis formation. A special attention is given to the role and the function of granule cells of the liver, processes of damaged liver regeneration. The light was shed upon the connection between liver fibrosis development and genetic and non-genetic factors. By the example of development of liver fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease positive effect of dietary supplement “Schisandrin®”, manufactured by Famrakom, on the reduction of the grade of fibrous changes in the liver, which emerge against the background of normalization of metabolic findings in patients with NAFLD, was described.