An additional source of biologically active substances, alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin D3; contributes to the general strengthening of the body of women with menopausal syndrome, improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and has mild calming properties.
Alpha lipoic acid – 25.0% (100.0 mg), hop cone extract – 25.0% (100.0 mg), potato starch – 24.0%, root extract wild yam (Dioscorea) – 17.5% (70.0 mg), cimicifuga racemosa extract – 7.5% (30.0 mg), calcium stearate – 1.0%, vitamin D3 – 0.00125% (5.0 mcg)
Hop cones have a positive effect on emotionally labile conditions in women associated with menopausal symptoms and are effective against vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes). They contain a number of biologically active components (essential oils, flavonoids (rutin, astragalin, isoquercitrin), vitamins B, PP, C, hydroxycinric acids (caffeic, quinic), humulic acid, valeric acid, etc.).
Hop essential oil has a calming effect and improves sleep. A number of active ingredients in hops exhibit proestrogenic activity.
Cimicifuga racimosa exhibits estrogen-like properties without stimulating the proliferation of uterine and mammary tissue. In gynecological practice, cohosh root extract is used to relieve pain during menopause and premenstrual syndrome, with heavy menstruation, dysmenorrhea (including algodismenorrhea). Cohosh simplifies the manifestations of menopausal syndrome in the perimenopausal period. Contains phenolic compounds, gum, triterpene glycosides, isoflavone, essential oil, aromatic acids (salicylic and isoferulic), tannins, phytoestrogens, organic acids, phytosterols, carotene, as well as several minerals (selenium, magnesium, calcium).
Women: 1 capsule per day after meals. The course of admission is 2-3 months. If necessary, the course can be repeated several times a year. As prescribed by the doctor, the daily dosage and course of administration can be changed. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Before use, consult a doctor.
Individual sensitivity to components, children, pregnant women, nursing infants (lactation period), estrogen-dependent hyperproliferative processes.
75.2 kcal
Proteins – 0 g, fats – 0 g, carbohydrates – 18.8 g.
400 mg capsules N60 in a bottle
24 months