Additional source of dietary fibers. Helps improving secretory function of the intestine, evacuation toxins from the body, has detoxifying properties.
MCC, silicon dioxide, excipients.
Silicon dioxide is a natural enterosorbent with high surface activity. It adsorbs and eliminates from the body exogenous toxins (including byproducts of pathogenic microorganisms, food and bacterial allergens, microbial toxins, chemical substances); toxic products, which are formed in the body (during protein breakdown in the intestine); excessive gastric juice and hydrochloric acids, which are formed in the stomach, and gases in the intestine.
Take the dietary supplement between meals 30-40 min before meals, wash down with a glass of water. To improve the sorptive efficiency crush of chew the tablet.
– adults and children over 7 take 3-4 tablets a day 3-4 times a day;
– children from 5 to 7 (average child body weight 18-20 kg) take 3 tablets 3 times a day (average daily dose – 9 tablets);
– children from 3 to 5 (average child body weight 14-16 kg) take 2 tablets 3 times a day (average daily dose – 6 tablets).
Individual sensitivity to certain components, children under 3, pregnant and lactating women, gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastric and intestinal bleedings, intestinal obstruction.
12.8 kcal
Proteins – 0.2 g; carbohydrates – 3.0 g; fats – 0 g.
700 mg tablets N30
36 months